How to Move a New Couch Through A Narrow Doorway

10 January 2024

New year, new you, new apartment, new couch? The first of the month is around the corner, which has us thinking a whole lot about moving day and all the challenges that come with it. 

Surprisingly, couches tend to be the biggest headache on moving day. They’re an essential part of your living room, but transferring them somewhere new is never as easy as it looks. 

In this blog, we share 5 tips to make moving day a little lighter.

Table of Contents

Why is Moving a New Couch Tough?
Tip 1: Measure Twice, Move Once
Tip 2: Disassemble Strategically
Tip 3: The Right Angle Matters
Tip 4: The Diagonal Dilemma
Tip 5: Access the Inside of Your Couch
Tip 6: Reattach or Replace the Old Couch Springs
Pro Tip: Know When to Stop

What is a Sagging Couch?

Moving a new couch can be tricky because doorways and spaces aren’t always couch-friendly. The couch’s size, shape, and attached parts like cushions and legs make it a bit of a puzzle. 

Plus, if you’ve got a hefty sleeper sofa or a chunky conventional one, the weight adds another layer of complexity. Here we share tips like measuring right, taking the couch apart strategically, and considering different angles for moving it.

Tip 1: Measure Twice, Move Once

Before you start the heavy lifting, grab your measuring tape, notepad, and pen. Many people underestimate the dimensions of their couches and the doorways it needs to pass through. So before you do anything, measure the outer dimensions of the couch, noting the height, width, and depth.

Don’t forget to measure the openings, whether it’s a doorway, hallway, staircase, or lift doors. Write down these dimensions on your notepad for reference. The next step is to plan on paper. This will help to avoid potential injuries and damage to your home.

Tip 2: Disassemble Strategically

One of the keys to successfully navigating narrow doorways is strategic disassembly. Start by removing any easily detachable parts. If the couch has removable legs, take them off. Clear the couch of cushions, throw pillows, and any other unattached items.

Consider removing interior doors before attempting to move the couch. It might seem like an extra step, but it can significantly widen the passage. If you choose not to remove the doors, measure (we warned you earlier) from one doorstop to the door’s closest edge when opened as far as possible. Removing the door can add as much as 3 cm of moving space. 
For extra room, remove door stops and hinges. Removing door hinges will help you gain some extra wiggle room. Use a cordless drill and driver bits for a simple removal process.

Tip 3: The Right Angle Matters

Now that you’ve measured, disassembled, and planned, it’s time to consider the angle of movement. If the couch can be moved vertically, stand it on end with a towel underneath to protect the fabric. Slide the couch towards the door and move it through straight or in a hooking motion.

If horizontal movement is more suitable, carry the couch straight out in a level position. Be cautious of corners and door frames.

Tip 4: The Diagonal Dilemma

When all else fails, and the couch refuses to cooperate with conventional methods, consider the diagonal approach. Pick up the couch at each end, tilt it forward 45 degrees, and hook the leading couch arm around the door. The rest of the couch should follow in a corkscrew motion. Just keep in mind that this method requires significant strength and precise maneuvering.

Safety first. Wear gloves, and if the couch is heavy, consider using lifting straps for added support.

Tip 5: Additional Tricks for Tricky Situations

In certain situations, a few extra tricks can save the day. If the couch proves too heavy or the process too daunting, don’t hesitate to call in the professionals. Movers or furniture technicians can partially or fully dismantle the sofa, move it, and then reassemble it in the desired room.

Having a third person on hand to clear the way while you and another person move the sofa can also be incredibly helpful.

Moving with Couches for Sale

Here at Couches for Sale our team does the heavy lifting for you. When you buy a new couch, it’ll be delivered to your doorstep with a team of professionals to get it through every door frame so that the tips we provided above are nothing more than good general knowledge. It’s just one of the things that makes us the best online couch company in South Africa!
