How to Make Your Old Couch Look Expensive

12 October 2023

We get it – buying a new couch is not cheap. Quality couches in South Africa often come with a big price tag, and it’s not always easy to replace your old faithful. 

But fear not! There are ways to breathe new life into your existing couch to make it look and feel as good as new. In this blog, we’ll share seven expert tips to help you transform your old couch into a stylish centrepiece without breaking the bank.

How Long Should My Couch Last?

When it comes to couches, longevity is a key concern for many homeowners. After all, you want your investment to stand the test of time. The good news is that a well-maintained quality couch should last for many years. 

In fact, at Couches for Sale, our couch frames come with a lifetime guarantee. That’s the kind of quality you should look for when shopping for a new couch.

But what about your old couch? How long can you expect it to last? The lifespan of your sofa largely depends on factors like usage, maintenance, and the initial quality of the piece. 

On average, a good-quality couch can last anywhere from 7 to 15 years. But, with proper care and a little TLC, you can extend its life even further.

How Can I Improve My Cheap Sofa?

Now that you know your couch can have a long life, let’s explore how you can improve its appearance and make it look like a brand new, high-end piece. Here are seven tips to help you achieve that:

  1. Buy a Slipcover

A quick and budget-friendly way to give your couch a fresh look is by investing in a slipcover. Slipcovers come in various colours and patterns, allowing you to instantly change the appearance of your sofa. 

Choose a slipcover that matches your decor style and watch your old couch transform into a chic statement piece.

  1. Swap the Cushions

Over time, sofa cushions tend to lose their firmness and shape. Rejuvenate your couch by replacing or adding new cushions. Go for high-quality foam or down-filled cushions for ultimate comfort and a plush, inviting look.

  1. Invest in Throw Pillows

Accessorising your couch with throw pillows is an easy way to add personality and style. Mix and match different colours, textures, and patterns to create a visually appealing and comfortable seating arrangement.

  1. Professional Cleaning

A deep professional cleaning can work wonders for your couch. Hire a professional upholstery cleaner to remove dirt, stains, and odours. This will not only enhance the appearance but also extend the life of your couch.

  1. Repair and Restoration

If your old couch has minor damages like loose seams, broken legs, or scratches, consider repairing or restoring it. A skilled upholsterer can work wonders and bring your couch back to life.

  1. Repositioning

Sometimes, a simple change in the placement of your couch can make a big difference in the overall look and feel of your living space. Experiment with different layouts to find the perfect arrangement.

  1. Accessorise with Throws and Rugs

Adding a cosy throw blanket or a stylish area rug can instantly elevate the ambiance of your living room. These accessories not only add warmth but also introduce colour and texture.

Is it Time to Buy a New Couch?

If the tips we’ve provided above simply aren’t ticking your boxes, then it might be time to trade in your trusted, old couch for a newer model. 

Here at Couches for Sale, we understand the importance of quality and affordability. Our mission is to offer you a wide selection of modern furniture at prices that won’t break the bank. 

We’re committed to supporting local talent and the South African manufacturing industry, ensuring that your new couch is not only comfortable but also a conscientious choice.

So whether you decide to revamp your old couch or explore our range of quality couches, remember that your living room should reflect your style and personality. With a little creativity and some expert tips, you can enjoy a beautiful and comfortable living space without the need for a major investment. 

Your couch can be a centrepiece that not only provides comfort but also adds character to your home. 
